Your FIRST True Love Was Really ...

It's Cancer Season! If you read my "Moon Sign and Relationships" guide, then you know that Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and the Moon is one of your Big 3 — a super crucial element of your unique astrology, especially as it relates to your early childhood and intimate relationship dynamics.

My friend Kevin responded to my email last week saying that he "can't help but think of Cancer as all things mother." Right-o you are Cosmic Kev!

Mama Bear is 100% a Spiritual Keynote of this sign.

Or more specifically, it's the person who nurtured you most as a child, whether that was your father, mother, grandma or uncle. Traditionally though, that role is played by one's mother.

So when I look at your Moon, I'm not just seeing how you interrelate with your most important others. I'm also seeing your first and most significant relationship — your relationship with your mombasa.

And when you really think about it, your mom was your first love, right? No matter how this bond has evolved over your life, your mama reigns supreme.

As psychology (and common sense) has taught us, the relationship with our mother can be ... juicy. Complex. Fraught. Amazing. Fulfilling. All of these things and more.

And it pretty much dictates the course of our life's relationships — for better or worse, and whether we like to admit it or not!

The umbilical cord may be cut at birth, but the energetic ties go exactly nowhere.

More generally, I'm also speaking about early childhood. Your family and the family unit, as well as familial dynamics, are all represented in your chart by Cancer and the Moon. 

Our mothers and our families of origin may dictate our emotional landscape not just as children, but for the entirety of our lives — especially if we haven't done the healing work necessary to act from our hearts rather than a conditioned or reactionary place.

Certainly, the vast majority of our most deeply held beliefs were programmed by our families of origin.

And most people will subconsciously operate from that conditioning their entire life even if it hinders personal growth and happiness!

Cancer and the Moon is one of the most vast and complicated archetypes of the zodiac, as it points to the most fundamental underpinnings of your psyche. #Jung

Understanding your Moon can help you understand your evolutionary intentions because the challenges and gifts you received in early childhood catalyze your soul's growth.

Do you need to do some healing work around your relationship with your mama bear or your early childhood experiences generally (including with extended family)?

What repeating patterns are you living out that stem directly from childhood? Do your intimate relationship dynamics look just like your parents' dynamic? Maybe you chose the opposite route?

Do you nurture yourself the way you need to be nurtured or based on how your parents nurtured you? Does this help or hinder you?

In your daily life, you can benefit from bringing more awareness to how you're repeating your childhood now as an adult, especially with your intimate relationships or with your own children and littles.

Just last night at 7.52pm PT, we had a New Moon in Cancer, heightening everyone's sensitivity.

(Have you cried yet? I bet you have! If you haven't, then you definitely have to write me back with a big "N-O Mello!")   

The Moon is also promising all the feels because she's making aspects over to Pluto and Jupiter. Those planets are going to amplify your emotions (beware your anger and any tendency to sting!).

If that weren't enough, on Friday, we also have a nasty aspect between Mars and Pluto. The energy is combative and explosive.

I don't recommend putting yourself in any situation this week that could provoke strong emotions or create power struggles.

If possible, wait until next week to deal with any volatile issues. If you can't delay, then take extra measures to cool tempers and disengage as much as possible.

>> I've been getting some fantastic feedback from readers. Not only do I LOVE to hear from you, it also influences what I write. So please don't be shy. Hit reply and ask a question, or tell me how you're doing.

This is an intense week energetically!!

Be gentle with yourself; attend to your self-care with more conscientiousness than usual; and definitely reach out to your intimate others — like your moms — for the support you need.

Cancer reminds us that we must be vulnerable with those we love if we're ever to have the intimacy we crave.

The "Moon Signs and Relationship" guide I gifted you last week can help with this, too.

P.S. The collective is palpably vibrating rage and anguish after the US Supreme Court's abhorrent attack upon women last week. Please don't underestimate the extreme toll our psyches are under as the human rights of mothers and daughters the world over continue to be violated. Feeling some version of despair is a normal response. I hope you will turn to your spiritual practice for nourishment during this dark time.


What's Your Safety Dance


Your Moon Sign & Relationships