TONIGHT'S New Moon Eclipse!
It's a DOUBLE New Moon because it's actually the second New Moon in one month, which is quite unusual! There's typically only one New Moon each astrological season and the Double comes along only once every two to three years! 🤩
Expect Flirty Fun With Venus In Gemini
Did I mention that eclipses are kind of a big deal? They are! And they're experienced differently by each of us because of where the eclipse falls in our horoscope and what it's "lighting up."
TONIGHT: A Full Moon in Libra!
Did you know that Full Moons are always in opposition to the Sun (the polarity point)? So whenever we're in Aries Season, the Full Moon will always be in the sign of the Scales.
Revitalize Your Mind-Body-Spirit
Taking action will look different for everyone and is dependent on the vitality of our Mind-Body-Spirit.
The Underworld Stirs — Tomorrow!
The return of light and balance is found in the polarity point.
What's Mars Got To Do With It?
Consider that we have a lot of shifting energies right now. AND, we're smack dab in the middle of the year's two major cosmic events (more on that later in the forecast).
Change Has Arrived!
We now have a whopping four planets in Pisces, including the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune. These planets are taking on the "flavor" of the Fish's energy, expressing in a way that reflects back to us the Piscean archetypes.
Countdown to Change!
This transit can be romantic, adventurous and spontaneous! (Yes, please!) Expect fireworks because the Aries mantra is GO BIG OR GO HOME.
Coming Soon: The Big Shift!
We can see now how Uranus's unsettling of Saturn's status quo has been beneficial and perhaps even necessary. This cycle has allowed us to awaken to a new way of being — with ourselves, our local and international communities, and even with Divine.
A Dreamy New Moon!
Where in your life can you cultivate more loving kindness for the benefit of yourself and others?
Drama — With A Capital "D"
It's a powerful energy for cultivating forgiveness — especially toward yourself.
What The Hell Happened Last Week?
We are all responding to the turning tide in our own way based on our conditioning, where we are on our healing journey and how aligned we are with Divine.
What's Your Vision?
Happy Lunar New Year! If the calendar New Year didn't reset things as you hoped, then you can make the Lunar New Year your official New Year.
It's A Juicy Astrological Week!
Keep in mind that this year's Mercury Rx's are in earth signs, whereas in 2022, they started in air and retrograded into earth signs.
The Cosmic Trickster in 2023
There is sooo much coming down the pipeline in 2023 — including a rather significant shift of energies as two of our slower moving planets (Saturn and Pluto) change signs.
Chillin' At Stagnation Station?
Are you feeling tired, stagnant, irritable or overstimulated? 🥴
You're not alone!
Tonight's Full Moon is HOT!
Perhaps most important, the act of receiving is equally important to the act of giving.
"Girls Against God"
Sagittarius is also the archetype of our Belief Systems. So when you're enduring an ebb, your deeply held beliefs — whether you're aware of them or not